hosted workshops

  • Embodying Holobiontes

    is a workshop I develdoped in the context of

    ICE In case of emergency

    at Walserherbst Festival Austria, August 2023

    and Kilens Hembygdsgård, Sideby Finland, Mai 2023

    Composting crises is a practice, where one person embodies an earth being (mountain, forrest, lake etc.) and the other an contamination (oil, toxic wastewater etc), from this encoonter na collective speculative storytelling takes place. Often something develops that has a lot of kinship with contact improvisation.

    At the end of the workshop I offer a practice called Fake Healing. We pair up and write down on a piece of paper a problem, a worry or sth. that we want to change. The other person offers a fake healing, in whatever form they imagine.

    It is important for me to have tools to close practices around ecological crises, which are often playful but can be quite heavy as well.

  • Disturbance theory and contamination practice

    is a workshop I developed with Katherine Ball

    at floating university berlin

    Climate Care Festival, September 2023

    Floods, forest fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, lightning strikes, windstorms, fir waves, pests and disease. How can we grow to understand disturbances are a part of the ecosystems we live in and part of us? How can we hybridize with disturbances, rather than separating disturbances as foreign, other or alien? This session is about appreciating the ecological roles of disturbance. It will include an environmental science-based lecture on disturbance theory and physical activities related to it. The aspiration of the embodied exercises is to integrate disturbance theory into our bodies.